Marek (luinthoron) wrote,

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from almost everyone:

My Harry Potter Spoiler of Doom is:
Voldemort gets suspended by LJ Abuse for writing underage slash fic after converting to Scientology
Get your Harry Potter Spoiler of Doom

My Harry Potter Spoiler of Doom is:
Bellatrix Lestrange goes on a hot date with Narcissa Malfoy by clever use of the Golden Snitch
Get your Harry Potter Spoiler of Doom

My Harry Potter Spoiler of Doom is:
Ginny Weasley kills Hedwig the Owl in a very sexy scene
Get your Harry Potter Spoiler of Doom

My Harry Potter Spoiler of Doom is:
Voldemort becomes a barista at Starbucks in the library, with the revolver
Get your Harry Potter Spoiler of Doom

My Harry Potter Spoiler of Doom is:
Harry becomes a Broadway star with a nuclear weapon
Get your Harry Potter Spoiler of Doom

My Harry Potter Spoiler of Doom is:
Jack Bauer blows up Hogwarts in the conservatory, with the lead piping
Get your Harry Potter Spoiler of Doom
Tags: hp, quiz/meme

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