The weekend was almost completely consumed by Twilight Princess. Seriously, that's about all I did on Sunday, at least! :D
At work I've been so busy I just haven't had the time to update either. Well, that and Code Geass 22 + 23 last night. Oh, well... While I agree that what they did with these episodes sucked, it wasn't as bad as it sounds from everyone's comments. Quite close, though. :(
And finishing with today's news, a couple of icontest placements again: another third place at geass_icontest and third at inukag_icontest as well! :)
edit: Also, from hoshi3:
TrustFlow results for luinthoron
I tried out TrustFlow II for LiveJournal. The following people not on the friends list for luinthoron
- abigail89
, ethereal_flame, leelee_potter (250 - 300) - daisakura (350 - 400)
- shinya_diey, kira_ (450 - 500)
- kagu_chan (500 - 550)
- chiyosuke (550 - 600)
- flourish, recession, thegraybook (600 - 650)
- rinoa_heartilly, carupico, mitzrael (650 - 700)
- tequila_kiwi, loweryourwand, air_and_angels, jigglykat, macbeemer, raedances, zeldazutto (700 - 750)
- red_wench, shadowskydragon, lady_clio, pillowfight, dragonmasterkat, misskirie, heidi8
, prushrush, potterpuffs (750 - 800) - lingers, cagalli, saphyr310, daydreamerm, cleopatra9702, sammi_sosa, black_mage_hime, lynari, secondbestagain, liljamebabes, x_x_fighter_x_x, monk_mattheus (850 - 900)
- ignored_tears, sundancekid, citren_acidz, cassandraclare, rm, mijra, tsarina
, hyperdistortion (900 - 950) - dropsofgleam, roadwaffle, anagnorisis, malachan, pauraque, kassike25, reet, erinilliana, emilybored, neritai, seviet (950 - 1000)
- zombiepig, kristieflowers, kazte, cherrylips666, persianpolice, blondesongbird, juan_pedro_says, spotcoffee, whisperedsong, sprinkle00, bookshop
, miyana, snowlillie (1000 - 1050) - kwikspell, chapter_owls, snow_berrie, missdeep
, gohstar, xemaya (1050 - 1100) - ladyshalott, mirax, dilettantka
, weaverandom , muskrat_john, zaku_ii (1100 - 1150) - anpusat, capitain, aoyagi_rikka, wuf_in_pieces, globegirl
, zeenell, vegetak, haro (1150 - 1200) - sarah_pooness, pretty_kinky, vergils_lover, zhugeliang, nyuukimiko, cyphr99 (1200 - 1250)
Created by ciphergoth; hosted by LShift.