Marek (luinthoron) wrote,

  • Mood:
Midnight - You are a deep thinker, always searching
for answers and never quite at home. You are
very contemplative, and enjoy being alone with
your thoughts.

When are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

In other news - I found out that I'm either psychic, or my brain can receive radio. Or why was the re the same song that was in my head in the radio this morning... *grins*
Tags: quiz/meme, weird

  • (no subject)

    Ah, what a day... Thought I'd have nothing to post, so got a meme from lyphia, but apparently I get to post it only now. Because, well,…

  • Finally another icon post!

    37 x Maria†Holic 14 x To Aru Kagaku no Railgun 12 x Kawada Mami - linkage 2 x Shakugan no Shana 1 x K-ON! Teasers: ( Fake cut to the rest )

  • Took me long enough...

    After a month of work, work, and more work, finally some icons again. 41 x Maria†Holic 20 x Sasameki Koto 7 x Kimi ni Todoke 4 x Shakugan no Shana 4…

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