Marek (luinthoron) wrote,

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I think I might be getting a little bit sick... I've been really tired the last days and not really feeling well. Or at least my eyes/head haven't. Haven't even been that much here after work due to this and just been spending time home. At least there's not much work at this time of the year.
Tags: other, work

  • (no subject)

    I bet you didn't expect to see the story tag here ever again, seeing how it's been over 9 years since the last time... 728 words, Phoenix Point, R,…

  • (no subject)

    So, first time I've written anything since... *checks the story tag* February, apparently. 584 words of questionable content with questionable…

  • (no subject)

    Would you believe it, I've actually written something... O_O Just a little drabble of 218 words in response to a challenge. You can read it here if…

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