Marek (luinthoron) wrote,

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from zorb:

LiveJournal Username
So, what's your name, Jedi?
I see. What's your affiliation?
Good, good. What's your lightsaber color?
Finally, what's your fighting tactic most likely to be?
The Sith Lord who hunts all Jedi: goddessoftime
The Jedi Master who leads you into battle: cohort
The Leader of the Wookies: frankenspam
The One that dies in the first 20 minutes: vegetak
The Traitor who misleads you all: rainpuddle13
Survivor #1rawwleklueze
Survivor #2eliand504
The odds you'll survive this are:
This Fun Quiz created by Jae at BlogQuiz.Net
Aries Horoscope at DailyHoroscopes.Biz

Tags: quiz/meme

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