Marek (luinthoron) wrote,

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Survey from stiletto

Name: Marek Lilleleht
Age: 23
Reason for LJ username: The Pen Name I'm writing under
AIM SN: Luinthoron
Reason for AIM SN: Same as with LJ
Do you enjoy reading my LJ?: Occasionally
Why?: If I only knew...
Interesting fact about you: I write Harry Potter fanfics and poetry, although I used to hate both poetry and HP before...
Weird fact about you: I have also written some chapters of a Sailor Moon fic for my sister... (And I still hate Sailor Moon!) *hides face in shame*
Quote: "We put a piece of our soul in every character we write about."
Will you post this in your LJ?: Done
If you saw me out in the streets would you say hi?: If I'd recognize you...

Now fill this out yourself!

Reason for LJ username:
Reason for AIM SN:
Do you enjoy reading my LJ?:
Interesting fact about you:
Weird fact about you:
Will you post this in your LJ?:
If you saw me out in the streets would you say hi?:
Tags: quiz/meme

  • (no subject)

    Well, that was weird... I actually finished a translation in time.

  • (no subject)

    Sometimes I really, really hate French translators... Having to do a translation of over 40000 words is hard enough without having to figure out what…

  • (no subject)

    Finally got my X and Y yesterday. Now if only I wouldn't have so much work to do...

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