Marek (luinthoron) wrote,

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How many people have a crush on luinthoron?
The below numbers indicate what sorta crushes people on luinthoron's friends list have on her/him, as taken from the results of the original LJ Secret Crush Meme.
1 friend has a Secret Crush on luinthoron. This is 0.5 less than in October, 2003. This is average compared to other users.

0 friends have a Public Crush on luinthoron. This is 0 more than in October, 2003. This is below average compared to other users.

0.5 friends have an Ex-Crush on luinthoron. This is 0.5 more than in October, 2003. This is average compared to other users.
Confused by the decimal numbers? This is because someone had one type of crush on them, then changed their mind when they took the secret crush quiz on a different occasion.
How many people have a crush on you?
Secret Crush Meme 3 is twice as badass as Secret Crush Meme 2! With 23,000 new crush quiz responses (45,000 total) and the ability to find out who a user has crushes on!

Once again - 0.5 friends? o_O
Tags: quiz/meme

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